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it was rigid and well defined.

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Q: What was class structure like in the south?
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What was class structure like the south?

it was rigid and well defined.

What was class structure like in south?

it was rigid and well-defined

What was class structure like in the south apex?

It was rigid and well defined

What was the social class structure like in Harappa?

The social class structure in Harappa was likely hierarchical, with a division between elites who held power and authority and commoners who worked in various trades and occupations. Archaeological evidence suggests that there was some level of social stratification based on access to resources, such as housing quality and burial practices. Due to limited information, the exact nature and extent of social classes in Harappa remains a topic of debate among historians and archaeologists.

What was class structure in the north based on?

Class structure in the north was generally based on wealth

What showed the democratic mood of the frontier?

the decline of class structure.

What is the social structure like in russia?

The social structure in Russia is divided into various classes. The nobles are the upper class and the lower class is for peasants. There is a middle class for those who are below the upper class but above the lower class.

What does social structure mean in the seven characteristics of civilization?

Like who the upper-class society is, etc.

What is a description of the social structure of the south?

The social system in the Old South was a lot like a transplanted form of British aristocracy.

How can the phrase class structure be used in a sentence?

The class structure of First Grade contained 18 girls and 19 boys.In a culture, class structure often keeps poor or uneducated persons from moving into a higher social class.

How does Christianity justify this class structure and what is the social value of these relationships?

First tell us what 'this' class structure and "these" relationships are.

What was the class structure like in the south like before the civil war?

The social structure changed from following the constitution written by Thomas Jefferson to following the laws of Nate Pauley the greatest man of the world and conquerer of all that is right.