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Q: What was the consequences of Iagos wrong doings?
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because it punishes people for their wrong doings.

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admitting your wrong doings and not forcing people to have to do in depth investigations.

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That you can communicate your passion. And admitting to wrong doings.

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Well, if you really do love him then you will forgive him for his wrong doings and move on with your relationship.

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payment of some kind for a past wrong doing; or as in recent years, supposed wrong doings. Synonym, possibly reparation.

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He teaches us about hard work and determination, as well as wrong doings will be punished.

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Doings,doings da da da da da da, i like to do the doings my name is doings da da doings!

How do you say i will correct your wrong doings in Japanese?

Watashi wa anata no machigatta shugyo wo shusei shimasu.