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Q: What was the first American play worthy of consideration?
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Who was the first African American cheerleader?

The first African-American girl to play soccer is Briana Scurry.

Who was the first African American to play in the NBA?

Earl Lloyd was the first african american to play in the NBA

Was Michael Jordan the first African American to play basketball?

Yes Michael Jordan was the first african-american to play basketball

What NFL team does Jerel Worthy play for?

Jerel Worthy plays for the Green Bay Packers.

Who were the first two aferican American to play in the national basketball assocition?

the first African American to play in the NBA was LaMya Angela Clemons

Who was the first native American to play football in the NFL?

Jim Thorpe was the first Native American to play in the NFL.

What position does Jerel Worthy play?

Jerel Worthy plays Defensive End for the Green Bay Packers.

What year did the first African American play baseball in the major leagues?

1947. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play major league baseball

What was Jackie Robinson the first African American to do?

He was the first to play Baseball

What college did NFL player Jerel Worthy play for?

NFL player Jerel Worthy played for Michigan State.

Who won the first lacrosse game?

Native American tribes were the first to play.

Who was the first African American pitcher?

Dan Bankhead was the first African-American pitcher to play in a major league game.