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The aristocratic system was the cause of a great deal of injustice. The idea that some people are better than other people because they have "noble blood" is entirely fictitious, and at some point, those who were deemed to be of inferior blood decided that they no longer were willing to put up with that nonsense.

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12y ago

There were many causes towards the French Revolution which all linked together into 3 categories, Economic, Political, Social. It is important to note that these categories are then split up into 2, long-term and short term causes........

But your question is major causes so i will only answer part-

July 14 1789 is the official beginning of the revolution

-My belief really is that the enlightenment didn't have much effect on the circumstances leading to the storming of Bastille, July 14 1789, the political change of middle class men ( Bourgeois) in any way weaken the royal authority, they proved to the king what they can do as they represent the nation, not useless nobles and clergy who did nothing to benefit the nation while the Third Estate worked and paid large amounts of tax to landowners. In my opinion the French Monarchy could not reform itself thus another a problem comes up, the shortage of grain which led working class people to find any weapon by first attacking military hospital then they moved to Bastille hoping to find weapons but fighting broke out many people killed, important event which led to more chaos in the next few years because after the storming of Bastille these working class and peasantry will find new power that they never in their life thought they had, also destroying the king's power to command the most basic form of authority, of commanding soldiers.

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10y ago

The French people were starving and had no money. The king raised taxes to refill the treasury after the American Revolution. The people revolted.

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