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Q: What was the name of the plan to divide France?
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Name of Germany's invasion plan towards France and Russia?

Schleiffen plan

In world war 2 what was the name ofin world war 2 what was the name of the plan for the allies to invade France the plan for the allies to invade France?

Operation Overlord

The plan for dividing France was called?

The plan for dividing France was called plans cadastraux. It is detailed plan about the land parcel boundaries in France.

The plan for dividing France was called the?

The plan for dividing France was called the Congress System.

What was the name of the operation to invade France?

There were two amphibious landings in France. Northern France - Operation OVERLORD was the code name for the landings at Normandy. It had some different names during the early planning stages. Southern France - Operation DRAGOON was the code name for the landings on 15 August 1944 by the US VI Corps.

The Pyrenees divide which to countries?

The Pyrenees mountain range separates Spain and France. The border between the two countries runs through the middle of the mountain range.

How did Hitler divide Britain and France?

he imegrated them

What was the schleiffan plan?

It was the German plan of attacking France through Belgium.

What was Britain and France's plan in starting decolonization in Africa?

Britain and France never had any joint "plan" about de-colonising Africa.

What 2 countries do the Pyrenees divide?

Spain and france

What was Hitlers plan for conquering France?

Hitlers plans was to starve France out by building a giant wal around france but it did not work because france was to big

In World War 2 what was the name of the plan for the Allies invade France?

Well the event was called D-Day if that's of any help