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Q: What was the name of the ship that Henry Hudson used to try to find a northwest passage in 1609?
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Explorer who was hired by the Dutch in 1609 to find the Northwest Passage?

Henry Hudson. By a funny coincidence he had a very large bay named after him

What did Henry Hudson help do as a result of his voyage to north American in 1609?

he searched for a northwest passage to asia

What were the years that Henry Hudson made his voyages?

Henry Hudson made 4 voyages:1607 - Northwest Passage to find a route to China1608 - Northwest Passage to find a route to China (2nd attempt)1609 - voyage to the New World1610 - Northwest Passage from the New World

Who was the first explorer to reach new york?

Giovanni Verrazzano was a Tuscan who sailed for the French in 1524. He was seeking the Northwest Passage. Later Henry Hudson explored the Hudson River in 1609. He claimed the land for the Dutch.

Why did Henry Hudson embark on an expediton in 1609?

Henry Hudson sailed in 1610 in search of a Northwest Passage, one he had wanted to pursue almost since the start of his voyages.

What were Henry Hudson's hardships on the scearch for the NW Passage in 1609?

Henry Hudson's hardships were...lack of waterlack of foodpoor people on board his ship

Why did Henry Hudson sailed?

Henry Hudson was sailing to try and find a northwestern passage to Asia. He was hired by the Dutch East India Company in 1609.

Why did Hudson sail?

Henry Hudson was sailing to try and find a northwestern passage to Asia. He was hired by the Dutch East India Company in 1609.

What nation was Henry Hudson exploring for?

Henry Hudson's mission was to find a Northwest Passage to China His employers included; In 1607, Muscovy Company In 1609, The Dutch East India Company i In 1610, The Virginia Company and British East India Company. Hudson died of exposure during his final voyage in or near the Hudson Bay

Why did Henry Hudson go on his voyages?

Henry Hudson main reason for going on voyages was to try to find a northern passage to the Orient. His first voyage was in 1607, his second voyage was in 1608, the third was around 1609 and the fourth and final voyage where his crew mutiny on him was 1610 to 1611,

Did Henry Hudson explore to find the Northwest passage?

Yes, Henry Hudson was sailing for the Netherlands in 1609 where he landed on the coast of New York. He then went on to find a river winding through New York.

What did Henry Hudson 1609 voyage accomplish?

they say he accomplished nothing but that is not true