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Captain Scott sailed on two ships: the Discovery and the Terra Nova.

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Q: What was the name of the ship that took Captain Scott and his crew to Antarctica?
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What was the name of the boats that Captain Scott was on on his trips to Antarctica?

Captain Scott sailed two different ships: The Discovery in 1901 and the Terra Nova in 1910.

What was the name of the ship what took Captain Robert Falcon Scott to the Antarctica on his second voyage in 1911?

Captain Scott lead his expedition sailing in the Terra Nova.

What was the name of the Welshman who accompanied Captain Scott to Antarctica?

There is no person on either of Captain Scott's rosters -- the Discovery or the Terra Nova expeditions' -- listed as 'from Wales' or 'Welsh'.

Who was captain Scotts team when he went to antarctica?

Captain Scott Edgar Evans Captain Oates Henry Bowers Edward Wilson (Captain Oates first name Lawrence)

Why did Robert Falcon Scott call it Scott Base?

The modern Scott Base is a research station supported by the government of New Zealand. It is a few kilometers from Captain Scott's Discovery Hut on McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. Scott Base uses Captain Scott's name as a namesake for the base: otherwise, it is unrelated to Captain Scott.

What is the name of the nz base in the Antarctic?

New Zealand has one research base in Antarctica which is know as "Scott Base" after Captain Robert Falcon Scott

What was the name of the ship that Capt Scott sailed to Antarctica?

Captain Robert Falcon Scott sailed in two different ships on his Antarctic expeditions, the Terra Nova and the Discovery.

What was Captain Robert Falcon Scott's sons name?

Captain Scott's son is named Peter Markham Scott.

What is captain Scott's sons name?

his sons name was Peter Markham Scott, later Sir Peter Scott

What is the name of captain scott's boat?


What was Robert falcon Scott mum called?

Captain Scott's mum's name was Hannah Scott.

Who was Marco Polo's crew?

Marco polo's crew held 30 seamen. the crew's name was captain Marco. Marco polo's dad and uncle were members of the crew. they rode by horseback and by ship.