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thet had a surplus of corn and a scarcity of water yur welcome

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Q: What was the surplus and scarcity of southwest Indians?
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How did the geography and the climate of the southwest culture region most likely affect the American Indians who lived there?

The geography and the climate of the southwest cultural region most likely affected the American Indians who lived there by controlling what they could grow and how they had to live with the scarcity of water and high temperatures.

How did the geography and the climate of the southwest cultural region most likely affect the American Indians who lived there?

The geography and the climate of the southwest cultural region most likely affected the American Indians who lived there by controlling what they could grow and how they had to live with the scarcity of water and high temperatures.

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What is a example of uneven distribution in southwest Asia?

abundance of oil but a scarcity of water. :)

Where did the southwest coast Indians live?

in southwest usa

What is one example of how Ancient Egyptians dealt with scarcity?

They built a system of storehouses in which surplus grain was kept.

What did the southwest Indians eat?

The southwest Indians also ate corn or maize. They hunted mammoth as well.