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the titanic sank because it hit a HUGE ice glacier, ripping a giant hole in the ship as it scooched along the glacier. the cruise liner broke into two, and the first part sunk to the bottom of the ocean while the other half stuck straight out of the water sinking fast.

The above is correct, but the reason that she sank is because of no watertight integrity being provided by the dividing non-watertight bulkheads. Thus, once breached, the water continued to transfer to the next compartment, then the next and so on. . .this resulted in a complete loss of reserve buoyancy and then sinking....

Modern vessels now have full watertight integrity (hopefully!) and a collision bulkhead positioned 1/20th of the ship's length from the stem (the sharp end!).

A similar fate brought the car ferry 'Herald Of Free Enterprise' to grief in the English Channel, when the car deck was swamped with water and the 'free surface effect' o the ingressed water caused a loss in stability (i.e. a negative GM) and the ship capsized.

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13y ago

Ultimately, the titanic sunk because it had a large hole ripped into it's side by the iceberg that it collided with. The ships of the time had several compartments to the hull, so that if there was a hole and one was to fill with water, the other compartment that remain intact could keep the ship from sinking. The problem was that several compartments became flooded, so it was just a matter of time before it sunk. There are a lot of discussion points over the sinking of the titanic, and questions relating to how the situation came about, but in short, it sank because of this huge hole in the side.

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