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Q: What was will smiths codename in the movie Independence Day?
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Will Smiths biggest grossing movie?

Independence Day

What was will smiths third movie?

Where the day takes you.(1992)

What was will smith's code name in the movie Independent Day?

Codename Black Thundercat Valumptious.

Will smith played the part of steven hiller in the movie independence day what was his codename?

I thInk its the eagle But at the end others say stuff like eagle 20 box 4 etc. Also the squadrant is the black knights

Why is the movie Independence Day nicknamed ID4?

Because Independence Day = July 4th that is stupid

Who starred in the movie Independence Day?

Will Smith

What was the best movie in 1996?

Independence Day.

When is the next Independence Day movie?

Independence Day 2 is tentatively schedule for release in 2013. It is still in development.

What was the top selling movie in 1996?

Independence Day.

What is the movie Independence Day rated?


What movie has Will Smith?

Independence Day, men in Black.

What was D Day's codename?

Operation Overlord