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Napoleon set himself apart from the other animals by becoming a communist animal farm leader and disobeying the commandments. By doing this, it allows him not to suffer in hardships leaving hisburden on the shoulders of other animals.

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Q: What ways has Napoleon set himself apart from the other animals?
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Napoleon's rival that just wants to help the other farm animals. Napoleon drives him out with his dogs.

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He named himself 'First Consul' in 1799and he named himself emperor in 1804.Napoleon named himself First Consul. He did this to try to convince other European states to stop their opposition to the French Revolution.

What change after snowball is kick out in Animal Farm?

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Because Napoleon led them to believe this. Snowball really wanted to help the other animals fight for freedom.

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Napoleon bans "Beasts of England" because the song is about freedom and rebellion and so Napoleon does not want them to rebel

What is the Hierarchy in Animal Farm?

The animal rankings in the book goes as follows: Napoleon>Squealer>Humans>Other animals. As you can see, Napoleon worked himself up to the top with rumors, propoganda, and lies. He represents Stalin. Squealer, who represents Lenin, is his ever faithful lackey and helps him to spread his propoganda, lies, and rumors. The humans represent the richer folk in Russia at the time, being equal but at the same time not as equal as Stalin. And the other animals represents the working class, the peasents, and the regular citizens.

What are other animals apart from mammals?

Other animals include; amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, insects, worms, molluscs and many more.

What does napoleon gain turning snowball into the enemy?

He gained leadership dictatorship over all the animals on Animal Farm. Not to mention that Squealer warped the memories of the other animals by tricking them into believing the lies he spun. The dogs enforced all the ridicules "laws" made by Napoleon.