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salt or gold

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Q: What were the most valuable trade items in west Africa?
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Would the europeans have taken the same course in Africa if the people there had been christian like themselves?

Yes They would, because they were driven by greed and it was most about the trade of valuable items, like slaves than about religion

Why is gold valuable in ancient Ghana?

gold is valuable because it worth lot and it was the mineral to trade with southern and northern Africa. the Salt was also valuable in Ghana because it's rare in most countries in ancient time.

South Africa's most valuable natural resource?

south Africa`s most valuable natural resouce is platinum. hope this helped.

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What were the most important items for trade during the westward journey?

Because its valuable and it's costs more so the more older it gets the more expensive it gets.

What was the most important trade route in africa?

There are many trade routes in Africa. These routes were used as routes for trade and often times for travel.

What were Great Britain's most valuable colonies in Africa?

South Africa, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe.

What is south Africa's most valuable Rand?

Kruger Rand

What is Africa's most valuable currency?

South African Rand

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What is the most valuable resource in West Africa?

oil and minerals.

In the savanna lands of West Africa which valuable resource was needed by the inhabitants?

Salt is the most valuable resource that was needed by the inhabitants in the savanna lands of West Africa =)