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Ursula Le Guin is the Science Fiction author that Grigg Harris (played by Hugh Dancy) urges Jocelyn (played by Maria Bello) to read throughout the movie "The Jane Austen Book Club". The bookk that Grigg suggests are: The Left Hand of Darkness and Lathe of Heaven. Other science fiction authors that Grigg mentions in the scene with Jocelyn in the book store are: Phillip K Dick Theodore Sturgeon Andrew North aka Andre Norton aka Alice Mary Norton Arthur C ClarkAlice Sheldon James Tiptree, Jr Pat MurphyHope this is a start. There are some references in their conversation at the bookstore and in the visuals therein to Amazing Stories which seems to have been a publication of short stories that included the work of Phillip K. Dick among others. This is my first venture into the world of Science Fiction. I have just started with (what else) Ursula Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness.

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Q: What were the names of the science fiction books mentioned in the Jane Austen Book Club movie?
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