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wood was very important, fishing was important to. The Makah however, built dugout caoes to hunt whales. some boats where up to 6 feet wide and carried up to 60 people!

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Q: What were the pacific northwest indian's natural resources?
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they used to do sex to survive

What resources did the pacific northwest indians have?

Wood was very important they also used whale bones.

Pacific northwest three most valuable natural resources?

i think taht it's stupid

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The major landforms in the Pacific Northwest where Native American tribes resided included mountains like the Cascade Range and the Rocky Mountains, forests such as the temperate rainforests of the coastal areas, rivers like the Columbia and Fraser Rivers, and coastal areas along the Pacific Ocean. These diverse landscapes provided abundant natural resources for the tribes, shaping their cultures and ways of life.

Pacific Northwest Indians customs and traditions?

One of the many traditions that the northwest Indians did was the potlatch.