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Q: What were the sailors food in Two Years before The Mast?
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mast is the food or supplies these animal gather.

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Sailors returning from Peru to Spain with silver are thought to have brought maize and potatoes for their own food on the trip. Historians speculate that leftover tubers (and maize) were carried ashore and planted. it is thought that the potato arrived some years before the end of the 16th century.

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Grog, aka Rum

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What was the main food for sailors?

an 8 letter word with a c in it

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to preserve it

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During the times of Magellan, life on a caravel was very miserable. Sailors had a limited food supply of hardtack, a cracker made out of flour, which was usually vile and infested with rat feces and urine. The hammock had not yet been invented before columbus, so sailors slept on the deck. Sailors suffered from malnutrition, starvation, disease, and scurvy.

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