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Q: What will happen when socs win rumble?
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What is the rumble in The Outsiders?

The rumble is when the Greasers "have it out" with the socs. Its when the greasers and the socs fight.

Why won't the greasers win even if they whip the socs?

the socs will still jump greasers and still get into rumbles. they won't stop because of one rumble

Why does the song just beat it from Michael Jackson relates to the novel of the outsiders?

It relates to socs on how they wanted to win everything, Or you can relate it to the rumble

What is a sentence using the word rumble?

The greasers had a rumble with the Socs and won in The Outsiders.

What advantages do the greasers have in the rumble?

the advantages that the greasers will have in the rumble if they won which they did would be that the socs will leave them alone and the socs will also stay away of the greasers territory.

What will happen at Royal Rumble 2011?

i think that the undertaker will win the royal rumble damn! Well no one knows what will happen probely HBK will come in a shock at royal rumble

How was the conflict between the Socs and the Greasers resolved?

The Rumble

How many greasers and socs showed up for the rumble?

19 greasers and 21 socs

Why does pony shower before the rumble?

They wanted to show the Socs theyweren't trash,that they were just as good as the Socs were.

What will the rumble in the outsiders define?

At one point of the book Randy explains how the rumble won't change anything. socs will still be socs and greasers will still be greasers...i

Where was conflict in The Outsiders?

The rumble in which the Greasers fought the socs and won.

Why was sodapop anxious to join the rumble?

Steve fights in the rumble because of his hatred for the Socs.