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Q: What would you put on a safety poster?
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Have you ever made a fire safety awareness poster?

I have never made a poster about fire safety awareness. This would be a beneficial poster to make.

Do You have a Warehouse Safety Poster?

No I do not have a warehouse safety poster. However, there are companies that sell such posters,

Does your office have a fire safety poster?

Yes, the fire safety poster is at all stairwells. Not only at the stairwells, but in the hallways as well.

How do I create a campaign poster?

The first thing to do for creating a campaign poster would be to come up with a slogan. Next, would be to decide what kind of image one would want to put on the campaign poster. Then, one could design the campaign poster in a program such as Photoshop.

How do I make a Safety Poster?

A safety poster should display a message or behavior related to the safety of others. Choose one or two major safety facts and include simple graphics that makes the issue obvious.

What would you put on an Earth Day poster?

A recycle symbol and the Earth of course

If you put a movie poster on Facebook does Facebook own that poster?

On facebook not own that poster.

What would advertisers put on a poster for Live Aid?

Anything related to music and poverty.

Where should safety posters be placed?

Safety poster should be placed near target audiences. For example it would be quite appropriate to have bicycle safety posters including helmet use posted in recreation centres, or at schools.

Where can I find a heath and safety poster to post in the workplace?

OSHA offers free health and safety posters for the workplace. These can be downloaded from their website or a pre-printed version can be requested by filling out a form. Visit the site and click on "OSHA Poster" to download or request the poster.

What to put on a school captian poster?

you put facts!

How would I go about designing a safety poster for children?

You must first think about your concept. What you want to say to childen about safety? Once you have your concept down, use different tools and materials to get your point across.