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Q: What year did Canada change from using Fahrenheit to Celsius?
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What is the correct formula for calculating the change of temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius?

To calculate Fahrenheit to Celsius, you take the temperature in Fahrenheit and multiply it by 0.8. Using the answer of that number, subtract 32 from it. That is your temperature in Celsius. To change that temperature back to Fahrenheit, you would add 32 to your Celsius temperature. After getting that answer, you divide it by 0.8 and Voislá, you're back at your temperature in Fahrenheit.

What is a sentence using the word celsius in it?

In USA, we measure temperature using Fahrenheit numbers and in Canada, they use Celsius numbers. In USA it may be 32 degrees F, and in Canada, that's 0 degrees C.

What does 35.0 Celsius mean in Fahrenheit?

using the formula C = 5/9 (F-32)we get 35.0 celsius=95 fahrenheit

What formula is converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

you can convert using this formula where (F) is the Fahrenheit you want to get and (C) is the Celsius you want to convert from

What is 155 celsius in Fahrenheit?

311 degrees Fahrenheit. Try using Google's calculator.

55 degrees Celsius converted to fahrenheit?

55 degrees Celsius converts to 131 degrees Fahrenheit using this formula: [°F] = [°C] × 1.8 + 32

What does negative100 degree Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

(-100) degrees Celsius = (-148) degrees Fahrenheit using this formula: [°F] = [°C] × 1.8 + 32

What is (32)22?

22 Celsius is a temperature scale that displays in Celsius degrees. 22 degrees Celsius can be easily converted into Fahrenheit by using the formula Fahrenheit degrees = (Celsius degrees) 9/5 + 32 which in this case would equal 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you convert Fahrenheit to celsius using actionscript?

Here's a simple function that will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius for you: function toCelsius(fahrenheit:Number):Number{ var celsius:Number = (fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9); return celsius; } Use: // Converts 60 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius var newTemperature:Number = toCelsius(60); trace(newTemperature);

How do you convert degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit to Kelvin?

To convert Celsius to Kelvin:K = C + 273.15To convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin, convert Fahrenheit to Celsius by using this formula:C = (F - 32)/1.8Then, convert it to Kelvin by using the previous formula, adding 273.15 to the Celsius value.To convert the Celsius to Kelvin, you just add 273.15Kelvin does not use the º symbol.

How does one convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?

A person can convert Celsius to Fahrenheit by either using a simple equation or by using an online calculator that will complete the conversion. The equation is F = (C x 1.8) + 32.

Name seven countries still using degrees Celsius?

The world is using degees Celsius. Only the USA likes the degrees Fahrenheit.