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Q: When Kevin is on Max's shoulders do both boys see the same thing?
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Kevin Garnett has 7 tattos on both his shoulders (3 on left, 4 on right)

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well seeing that it has been asked as a test to see if wikianswers provides an answer to everything, then I'm guessing that Kevin does like both diamond and pearl because they are practically the same thing and Kevin knows about it.

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neither because they are both awsome and plus kevin ricardo munoz also said the same thing

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Kevin and Joe have both graduated.

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Kevin has dated both women and men

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Shoulders and smolders both rhyme with boulders.

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Bilateral means that the arthritis is in both shoulders.

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Nick and Kevin both have Blackberries. Joe has an iPhone.

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Kevin Marc is American, who is both Desi and Spanish mixed.

What is pinfall?

A pinfall in professional wrestling is when both of a wrestler's shoulders are held to the mat for the referee's count of three. If one or both the opponent's shoulders come off the mat before the referee's count of three, it is called a kick-out.

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Both Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas are going to be the best men at Kevin's wedding.