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Q: When conveying bad distasteful news to the patient and family it is best to do what?
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What is the best hund for a family?

The best hund for a family may be an Irish setter. These animals are fine hunting dogs as well as great playmates for the kids. They have a loyal and patient disposition.

What does a nurse do when a patient who is a buddist dies?

Ask the family what they want done. What his wants and needs were. Family knows best dont try to assume anything because that could just make it worse. : )

How is information about both the diagnosis and prognosis important to the patient and to his family?

Undiagnosed illness is stressful to the patient and his/her family - once diagnosed, the patient can deal with the illness and treatment in the manner that works best for him. The prognoses - or the expected outcome of any illness - allows a patient and their family to make the appropriate treatment decisions. One person diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 cancer, may opt for the most aggressive treatment possible - knowing that the prognoses may be the same either way - because as long as he is alive and fighting, there is hope of remission. While another person with the same diagnoses, may decide not to have any life extending treatment - in order to make the best of the time remaining, away from hospitals or clinical settings. Most of the time, these decisions are best made with the patient, his family and physician working together.

What is patient advacant?

Working on behalf of the patient for their best interests.

Family and friends of the geriatric patient in terms os availability to provide support?

Family and friends play a crucial role in providing emotional and physical support to geriatric patients. It's important to assess their availability, willingness, and ability to provide care, as this can greatly impact the well-being of the patient. Open communication and coordination between the healthcare team, patient, and their support system is key to ensure the best possible care for the geriatric patient.

When a patient and respiration are being counted it is best that the patient?

The patient should be resting or quietly sitting.

How do you use conveying in a sentence?

The word convey is a verb which means to carry or bring from one place to another; to communicate, to make known; to transmit or transfer; a word for an action.Example sentence: Please convey our best wishes to your parents on their fortieth wedding anniversary.

What type of cat is the best with family?

The best family cat really depends on your family's lifestyle and the personality of the cat. It is best to look at cats at animal shelters to see which one fits your or your family's personality and way of life. Breed doesn't really depict what sort of personality a cat has, although some breeds are better suited to family life than others, such as the Maine Coon, who is often described as a very patient, gentle breed that is very good with children.

When a patient's respiration are being counted it is best that the patient?

The patient should be resting or quietly sitting.

Which family is the best family in the world?

the Kacurri family is the best

Who can support a patient with terminal cancer?

People with terminal cancer do best surrounding themselves with the love and support of family members. When this option is not available to them, they could look into a hospice facility.

What is the best analogy for patient and hospital?
