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Apartheid started in 1948 with the NP (National Party) enacting laws that allowed racism, and ended in 1994 when the first democratic elections were held in South Africa.

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Q: When did aparthied start and when did it end?
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How did the aparthied end?

Nelson Mandela ended the apartheied

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Why did Nelson Mandela lead a workers strike in 1961?

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Who stop aparthied?

aparthied was stoppend by EW de Klerk and Mandela

When did it end officially aparthied?

It ended in 1994 with the election of the first Black African President, Nelson Mandela.

When did Aparthied start?

The Apartheid started on 31st May 1910. The term 'Apartheid' only came around in 1948.

Where did aparthied happen?

South Africa

Policy of aparthied?

nk;p''][ ]]

How long did the aparthied last?

40 years

What country was aparthied practiced in?

South Africa

Why did aparthied end?

South africa was in bankrupcy and the was racial unrest so the great countries held economic sunctions on it and the for a democratic was to start.because a country can't survive on its own.

Who apposed aparthied and what tactics did they take?

Nelson Mandela