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The French Revolution began in 1789 and finished in ten years in 1799.


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Q: When did the french revolution begin how long did it last?
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How long did french revolution last?

The French Revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799, so it was about ten years.

Did the French Revolution last a year?

No, it was a decade long event.

How long did the French Revolution last?

The French Revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799, so it was about ten years.

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Roughly from 1715 till the French revolution.

Were there boats in the French Revolution?

Boats existed long before the French revolution and long before France, but the French revolution was not about boats, and boats didn't have any effect on it.

Which revolution had a long lasting effect french or haitian?

Each had their own significance. On a world terms the French revolution had a greater impact.

How long a revolution takes?

The French Revolution of 1789 took about 10 years, according to Wikipedia.

how were the french revolution and american revolution different?

The American Revolution succeeded in establishing the long-term representative government while the French Revolution eventually produced a dictator (Napoleon Bonaparte). The American Revolution was different from the French revolution because the Americal revolution was a revolt against a colonial power. The French revolution was an uprising against the appression imposed by Members of the titled nobility.

What does the clergy wear during the French Revolution?

During the French Revolution, Catholicism was the official religion of the French state. On those times, the clergy wore long white robes.

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How long is its revolution?

A revolution can last up to seven years while some may be shorter and others might last longer

How long is Revolution?

A revolution can last up to seven years while some may be shorter and others might last longer