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The TV special premiered on NBC December 6th, 1964 and has become the longest running, highest rated television special in history. The show originally ended once Rudolph and Santa took off from the North Pole. Viewers were so taken with the Misfit Dolly, Spotted Elephant, Swimming Bird, and other Misfit Toys that they wrote in enmasse to the Rudolph producers, complaining that Santa and Rudolph were not shown holding up their promise to save them. This led to a subsequent filming of an additional scene, showing the Misfit Toys being sad around a campfire, thinking that Santa would not come, but are overjoyed when Rudolph leads Santa to them. In the ending credits, each of the Misfit Toys are shown being delivered from Santa's sleigh with small umbrella parachutes. This scene has been shown every year since 1965.

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Q: When did the island of misfit toys first run on tv?
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