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The majority boarded at Southampton but many more boarded at Cherbourg, France and Queenstown, Ireland.

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Q: When did the passengers get onboard the titanic going to new york?
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Why did they aboard the titanic?

Passengers boarded Titanic for passage to New York City and points beyond.

What was the first class passengers reason of being on the titanic?

They were going to New York and for some it was probably the fact the ship had been advertised as unsinkable and it was the maiden voyage.

Titanic from new york to?

The return leg of Titanic's trip was to return to Europe. She was to go to Cherbourg, France and Southampton, England but not Ireland because there were not enough third-class passengers going that direction to justify a stop there.

Where Was The Titanic Going To And From?

The Titanic was going to New York from Southampton England.

What country did they board the Titanic?

The passengers boarded The Titanic on the English coast of South Hampton and were destined for New York. Hope this helped ;)

Where was Titanic going?

New York

Where was the Titanic going from and where was it going to?

from England to New york

Where did the Titanic pick up it's passengers?

It picked up passengers in three places. The Titanic started its voyage from Southampton in England, then visited Cherbourg in France and finally Queenstown (now known as Cobh) in Ireland before starting to cross the Atlantic to New York.

What city was the titanic going to and from?

it was going to New York and it was from Belfast.

How many people was traveeling on the Titanic ship?

There were 2,223 passengers aboard the Titanic when it set sail for New York City. Out those passengers, 1,517 died either when the ship went down or shortly after from hypothermia.

Were was the Titanic going?

From England to New york

Were was the titanic boat going to?

New york.