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In the United States, Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11.

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Q: When do people celebrate veterens day?
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What celebrations do people celebrate in France?

People in France celebrate New Years Day, Christmas, Easter, Bastille Day, Labor Day, VE Day, Armistice Day, and Whit Monday. Only May Day is a paid holiday.

What does Paris France celebrate?

Most people in France are catholic so they celebrate the same kind of hoildays as in Italy. But in France, they celebrate Marti Gras. In Marti Gras, people wears masks and get drunk.

what is the definition of Feast?

A feast day is the day we celebrate the life of someone who has been recognized as a saint. In the Roman Catholic Church, days are assigned to certain saints. Usually the saint's day of death (or entrance into glory) is chosen, but often either the day of death is not known or the calendar is crowded and another significant day will be chosen. Many people celebrate the feast day of the saint after whom they were name. For example, someone named Nick might celebrate Dec. 6th, the feast day of St.Nicholas, as their own feast day, too.

How do Turkish people celebrate Anzac day?

I'm not sure they celebrate it (don't get me wrong because they might, but I'm not Turkish). ANZAC is short for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, so I'm not sure about the Turkish. Although I may well be wrong... The Turkish people do not celebrate ANZAC Day. For them, the day of the first ANZAC landing and the months that followed were just more campaigns in World War I. 25 April 1915 holds no special significance for them.

Do people in France celebrate Thanksgiving?

no they don't celebrate Thanksgiving .

Related questions

When is veterens day and why is it celebrated?

To celebrate the viatnam war

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yes because we celebrate Flag day, 4th of July, and Veterens day

How did veterens day start?

people from the war were honor them

Why is veterens day celebrated?

because the people died for us in war

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Polish people celebrate Christmas and Easter. They also celebrate Constitution day, All Saint's day, and they celebrate their Independence Day in November.

Do people work on veterens day?

people state federal workers service and grocery stores do. its up to a employer if wants people to work.

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People celebrate St.Patrick's Day for the Irish culture

What type of people are veterens?

People who used to fight in wars.

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Alot of people celebrate valentines day even me:)

Why do people celebrate Teachers Day?

People celebrate teacher day because they want to thank their teachers for everything they do.

Why people celebrate veteran's day?

well they celebrate veterans day because they honor that day :D

What year was the bill proclaming novemer 11th as veterens day?

=in 1875==in 1875=