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Q: When does Jeannette walls use figurative language in the Glass castle?
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Is The Glass Castle a novel?

Yes, The Glass Castle is a memoir written by Jeannette Walls, detailing her unconventional and challenging childhood with her dysfunctional family. It is a non-fiction account of her life experiences.

When was the book the glass castle writtin?

Jeannette Wells wrote The Glass Castle in 2005. The memoir was first published in Jan. 2006.

How many pages does The Glass Castle have?

"The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls has approximately 288 pages.

Who old is Jeannette Walls in The Glass Castle?

It starts when she is three and then goes until she's an adult

Why does rex whip jeannette six timeswith a belt in The Glass Castle?

Rex whips Jeannette with a belt as a form of punishment in The Glass Castle to attempt to instill discipline and control over her. This abusive behavior is a reflection of Rex's own troubled upbringing and his misguided attempts to assert his authority as a parent.

What is the tone of The Glass Castle?

The tone of "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls can be described as reflective, honest, and at times, poignant. Walls recounts her tumultuous childhood with a mix of nostalgia, vulnerability, and resilience, creating a bittersweet and intimate tone throughout the memoir.

What is the metaphor of a glass castle mean in the book the glass castle by jeanette walls?

It is symbolic of all the dreams and promises made by Rex Walls, Jeannette's father. Near the end of the memoir when she was preparing to leave for New York City, she tells him she does not believe he will ever build the glass castle.

In the glass castle Did jeannette's mother tell her it was okay to eat infested with maggots?

Yes, in "The Glass Castle," Jeannette's mother does tell her that it's okay to eat food infested with maggots, as they add extra protein and won't harm her. This incident reflects the dysfunctional and neglectful parenting style of her mother, who often had unconventional and irresponsible beliefs.

What is the literary period of the glass castle?

"The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls does not fall specifically within one literary period as it was published in 2005. However, it could be classified as contemporary memoir or autobiographical literature due to its intimate and personal narrative style.

What is an example of figurative language in the book sabotaged?

In "Sabotaged" by Margaret Peterson Haddix, an example of figurative language is when the author describes a character's heart as "shattered glass" to convey the emotional pain and brokenness the character is experiencing.

In the Glass Castle how did Jeannette learn to read?

Jeannette learned to read by following her mother's example and using newspapers and magazines that her father brought home. She became interested in reading and practiced whenever she could, eventually teaching herself to read at a young age. Jeannette's love for books and reading contributed to her academic success later in life.

Forgiveness in the glass castle book?

In "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, forgiveness is a central theme as Jeannette learns to forgive her parents for their unconventional and often neglectful upbringing. Through forgiveness, she is able to move on from her past, accept her parents' flaws, and ultimately find peace within herself. Jeannette's journey towards forgiveness highlights the complexities of family relationships and the power of letting go of resentment.