In the USA, the first day of summer is June 21 or June 22 depending on the time zone. However, this is not the case throughout the northern hemisphere, as many countries officially start their summer on 1 June.
Similarly, for the Southern Hemisphere the dates vary according to the country. The summer solstice is December 21 or 22 depending on the time zone, but in Australia and New Zealand, summer starts on 1 December.
It depends where you live because the first day of summer is timed with the summer solstice. For most of the United States, summer begins on June 20. In Europe it's June 21. In Australia it's six months later, on December 21. On the other hand, if you are looking for an "official" first day of summer, there is no such thing. The United States, for instance, has never declared when the seasons start. The International Astronomical Union hasn't either. In many areas of Europe, May 1st is considered the first day of summer (as the meterologists in the United States do) with the Summer Solstice being the "Midsummer" (as in Shakespeare's play). However, certain solar calendars (that follow the cycles of nature) do declare "official" seasons. In the Persian calendar, for example, summer officially starts on the first day of the month of "Tir" (equivalent to the Summer solstice in the northern hemisphere). See links at bottom for more information:
June 21st, 2011... first day of summer. June 20th, 2012... first day of summer. June 21st, 2013... first day of summer. June 20th, 2014... first day of summer. June 21st, 2015... first day of summer.
Officially, the first day of Summer in New Zealand is the 1st of December.
In the northern hemisphere, the first day of Spring in 2016 is on 20 April, while in the year 2023 it is on 21 March. In the southern hemisphere, the first day of Spring is always 1 September, and not on the vernal equinox.
It is Monday the 20th of June in the northern hemisphere and the Wednesday the 21st of December in the southern hemisphere.
The summer solstice happens. The summer solstice is also the winter solstice in the opposite hemisphere. On the summer solstice (on the northern hemisphere), the northern hemisphere is tilted most to the sun, giving 24 hours of light to the Arctic Circle and 24 hours of darkness to Antarctica on the day of it.
Labor Day
The summer Olympics will begin on August 5th and run through August 21st 2016.
June 21st, 2011... first day of summer. June 20th, 2012... first day of summer. June 21st, 2013... first day of summer. June 20th, 2014... first day of summer. June 21st, 2015... first day of summer.
the first day of summer is on the 1st of June 2010
The first day of summer is June 21st
The first day of summer is called the summer solstice.
The first day of summer is June 21st.
The 2016 Olympics will be Summer Olympics, and they will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Officially, the first day of Summer in New Zealand is the 1st of December.
The 2016 Summer Olympics were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from August 5 to August 21, 2016.
There are 21 days from the first day of summer (June 21) to Independence Day (July 4).
The host city of the 2016 Summer Olympics is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.