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We can understand the answer better if we change the question slightly.

Instead of "man", let's ask: Why can't you and I go to the moon today ?

-- You and I don't have enough money to buy the parts and hire people

to build the spacecraft.

-- Very few corporations have enough money to do it, and those that have

the money, have no good reason to spend it on sending us to the moon.

-- The government could probably come up with the money. But the government

has been there and done that, and there's no good political, cultural, or PR reason

to bother with it.

-- The USSR has collapsed, and its ballistic missile program is no longer any threat

to the USA. We no longer need to prove that ours is bigger than theirs.

-- NASA failed miserably at informing the public of all the benefits of the space

program that are now taken for granted as part of normal, everyday life.

-- There is no widespread popular support for a large, expensive space program.

The majority of Americans alive today were never alive during a time when humans

had not yet been to the moon. Now it's history, like the Civil War and the Great

Depression are. "Moon landing" is not a dream today, it's a ho-hum big deal.

-- The general public is not comprised of "rocket scientists". What I mean by that is:

You constantly hear: "Why spend all that money on space, when it's so badly needed

here on earth ?"

As if part of every launch is a large capsule loaded with $100 bills that are shot

into space, and either never return, or else are incinerated upon re-entry.

As if the money spent on the space program is not paid to the vendors, the

contractors, the suppliers, the secretaries, the engineers, the technicians,

the drivers, and the janitors, who design, build, and operate the hardware,

and maintain the life of the companies and the launch complexes.

That's why you and I can't go to the moon today.

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Q: When man could go to moon in 1969 why not today?
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When did the man land on the moon?

The Moon landing was on Sunday 20th July 1969

When did the the man go to the moon?


What happen in 1969?

We landed on the moon.

In what year did man first walk on moon?

Man first walked on the moon in 1969.

In which year did the first man walk on the Moon?

The first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong who set foot on the moon on July 20th 1969.

When did the first man walk on the moon?

July 20, 1969 was the date that Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon.1969

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1969 is when the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong took man's first steps on the moon.

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In 1969 Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.