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Unfortunately, there are none anymore. The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis) was hunted to extinction. The last confirmed sighting was in 1952.

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Q: Where Caribbean seals live?
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What type of habitat do Caribbean Monk Seals live?

Sadly, Caribbean monk seals are completely extinct. They were over hunted primarily for their blubber, which was used in a variety of applications, including fuel for lamps, before the invention of the light bulb, and lack of food was the final straw during the 1950's. They used to live in the tropical waters of the Caribbean islands, and hunted fish for food.

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Seals do not live in caves. Seals live in the Arctic, and Antarctic. They live on the ice and spend their lives there.

Are Caribbean monk seals extinct?

yea. as far as I know......

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