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I would try eBay or Columbia House. I have found lots of older films on eBay.

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Q: Where can you buy the movie twenty mule team borax starring Wallace Beery?
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Why is borax called the twenty mule team?

Well, it's just a brand name, but it comes from the way borax was hauled out of the Arizona desert in the 1800s. It took a team of twenty mules to pull a wagon load.

Who was the woman on the tv ad for Twenty Mule Team Borax for Death Valley Days?

"Rosemary DeCamp"

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Twenty mule team borax

Who narrated the tv ads for Twenty Mule Borax?

It was either Ronald Reagan or Rosemary DeCamp. I believe both did their commercials.

Does Schnucks sell Borax?

Yes. Twenty Mule Team brand borax is available in the detergent aisle, pure borax is available in pest repellents, and medical grade borax is available in the pharmacy over the counter section.

Where can naturally occurring borax be found?

Turkey, California, other parts of the Southwestern US, Chile, Tibet, Romania are some places where natural borax is found. See link for more information. This is a good beginning answer. In the United States borax was first discovered at Borax Lake in northern California. Then it was found in a dry lakebed at Salt Wells near Fallon, Nevada in 1859. For the next 30 years borax was scraped up from the surface of these dry lakebeds throughout Nevada at Columbus Marsh, Teels Marsh, Rhodes Marsh, Amargosa Valley and Death Valley. In 1890 underground deposits of borax were found known as Colemanite near Barstow in the Mojave Desert. From 1906-1925 underground mining moved to the mountains east of Death Valley. In 1925 borax was found near Kramer Junction near the town of Mojave and that deposit went to open pit mining in 1956. Today that pit is the largest open pit mine in the state of California and is the largest borax producing mine in the country. It is owned by Rio Tinto Borax and provides the borax to Dial Corp for the Twenty Mule Team Borax product. Please see the Gold Creek link below for more borax history and the film The Twenty Mule Team of Death Valley.

Is borax in tide?

Tide does not contain borax as such but contain the same chemical as borax.

Is borax in tide detergent?

Tide does not contain borax as such but contain the same chemical as borax.

What is borax solution?

borax solution is half a cup of water and 1 tablespoon of borax

Are borax and mule team borax the same thing?

20 Mule Team Borax is just a brand name of borax. They are the same thing.

What will happen if borax was on your arm?

Borax is harmless.

Is borax an acid?

no, borax is like an alkaline