By trading machoke
you cannot catch any regis in platinum you have to migrate them or trade for them but if you get regirock, regice, and registeel on platinum then you will be able to catch regigagas at level1 in the snow temple
catch darkie first!
Machamp can only be obtained by trading it, like alakazam. you will have to trade these Pokemon to make them evolv graveler to golem machoke to machamp and kadabra to alakasam p.s I would get there levels up alot before you trade them cuz its hard to once you evolve them. You can catch a machoke just off of celestic town. Then, I'm pretty sure it evolves into machamp when you trade it.
u can find machamp in victory road note(its not for catch
"you can catch one in the academy in sunrock town or surtre town.I'am not sure which town has the academy but as far as i know you can catch one there.You can also catch golduck,nidoking, and machamp,ALL of of them are in level 50.
By trading machoke
you can trade or find him and catch it how you mostly do
you can't catch him in platinum but in soulsilver or heartgold you can catch him then trade it to platinum.
Catch a Machoke in Cerluean Cave and trade it with a friend.
starapter ,togetic ,torterra ,machamp ,luxray and bibarel
how do you catch a mewtwo on Pokemon platinum
you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx
No, it is inpossible to catch Jirachi on Diamon, Pearl or Platinum.
you can't catch a zorua in Pokemon platinum unless you hack.
you cant find one wild but you can get one buy link trading a machoke.