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"Equinox" comes from the Latin words for equal and night, because it describes the two times each year when day and night are of equal length as the sun crosses the celestial equator.

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Q: Where did Equinox get its name?
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What is another name for spring equinox?

The vernal equinox is also known as the spring equinox.

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The answer is autumnal equinox.

What is the special name for march21st and september21st?

the special name for these two dates is the march equinox and the September equinox

What is the scientific name of the first day of fall?

In North America, the first day of fall is considered to be on September's equinox. Every year, there is another equinox around March 20.

What is the name given when the days and nights are the same?

Equinox is the name given when the day is made up of the same amount of day and night. There are two Equinoxes a year the Autumn Equinox and the Spring Equinox.

When day and night are equal called?

It is called equinox. Equinox happened 2 times per year on spring and autumn so called the name spring equinox and autumn equinox.

What name is given to the two days when the night is equal to the day?

The Autumn equinox and the Spring equinox .

What is autumn's scientific name?

The autumnal equinox.

Scientific name for spring?

vernal equinox

What is another name for the first day of Spring?

That is the Vernal Equinox; as opposed to the first day of Fall's Autumnal Equinox.

Scientific name for the start of spring?

The vernal equinox.

What is the name for a day where the daytime and nighttime have the same durration?
