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They found Oceanic Flight 815, in the ocean. However that is not the real plane, that is a fake one created by Whitmore, who staged the whole reck.

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Q: Where did they find Oceanic Flight 815 in the TV show LOST?
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What is the airline and flight number of the plane that went down on the show Lost?

Oceanic 815

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Oceanic airline's flight crashed on an island to set the stage for the TV show Lost.

On what TV show did Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles play a key role?


Is flight 29 down a reality television show?

No, it is just a show where some kids go on a tour around parts of world and get lost on an island.

Who are the others in lost?

The "Others" is a catch-all term for everyone who was not on Oceanic Flight 815 (who are typically referred to --by fans, not on the show-- as Losties --those of the mid-section of the plane-- and Tailies --those of the tail section. Specifically, the "Others" are the group of people led by Ben Linus and Richard Alpert, who start off as antagonists and become sort of allies of some of the Losties throughout the show.

Where can one find information on flight tracking?

One can find flight tracking listings at their local post office. The post office always has these on hand, and they will be happy to bring it out and show it to you.

Has anyone ever compared Flight 29 Down to Lost you would be fascinated to see which was determined to be more true to life and as a result much more interesting?

Lost is a more mature and adult contentm, and Flight 29 down, is more for kids and teens (also my FAVORITE show!!!)

How did Flight 29 Down end?

The show ended by all the survivors getting rescued. You can see that in the movie Hotel Tango. Even the lost characters were found and rescued.

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it show 8km is oceanic crust and 40km is continental crust

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The flight of neo signs, neon lights

What show is better Seinfeld or lost?


What does Oprah Winfrey do other than tv shows?

she find's her long lost siblings and brings them on her TV show.