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Q: Where was Tim the ostlerwhen Bess was killed?
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Where was Tim the ostler when bess was killed?

Tim the ostler was in his stable but when he heard Bess had died. He was very upset and it was nothing what he wanted to happen . He liked Bess and only wanted Highwayman to die but then he found out it was his fault Bess diedU !!

How Tim show hes jealous from the highwayman?

Tim showed his jealousy towards the highwayman by warning him about the redcoats who were lying in wait to ambush him. Tim's jealousy stemmed from his love for Bess, the landlord's daughter, who was also in love with the highwayman. Ultimately, Tim's jealousy led to tragic consequences as the highwayman was shot and killed while trying to escape the redcoats.

What did Tim the ostler do in the highwayman?

After eavesdropping on Bess and the Highwayman he told the British soldiers about him so that they would kill him and he could have Bess, the highwayman's lover, to himself.

Who was Tim the Ostler?

he is an ostler what means he works in the stable and is poor he is in love with Bess she is a woman who already is in love with a highwayman (robber) and Tim does not like him and told the sheriff who odered king georges men to kill him and Tim mentiod about bess and where they metand the highwayman said he will steal gold by moonlight...

Who is Tim in the poem The Highway Man?

Tim in the poem The Highway Man is the ostler who work in the stable of the inn for the landlord, Bess' father.

Who overhears the highwayman and bess talking?

Tim the ostler overhears the highwayman and Bess talking about their plan to meet. He then alerts the redcoats about their meeting, leading to tragic consequences.

What is Tim's motive or reason for betraying Bess highwayman?

Tim's motive for betraying Bess the highwayman could be driven by greed, self-preservation, or fear of consequences. He may have seen an opportunity to gain something valuable by betraying her, or he may have felt pressured to choose between his own well-being and loyalty to Bess. Ultimately, Tim's actions may stem from a desire to protect himself or to capitalize on the situation.

What can you infer when the Highwayman tells Bess in Line 27 Yet if they press me sharply and harry me through the day Then look for me by moonlight?

What can you infer when the highwayman tells Bess, “Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day, Then look for me by moonlight”?

Who are the main characters in the poem highwayman?

The main characters in the poem "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes are the highwayman himself, Bess, and Tim the ostler. The poem follows the story of the highwayman, his lover Bess, and the tragic events that unfold when Bess sacrifices herself to warn him of a trap set by the authorities.

What does Tim the ostler have to do with the highway man?

It can be assumed that Tim the Ostler tipped off the Red Coats about the Highwayman's intention to return to the inn after he completed his robbery the night before. Tim did this in an attempt to remove his competition for Bess's affections.

Did Tim the ostler tell king george's men about the highwayman?

it is assumed that he told King George's men so he could be the lucky but ugly man to love Bess and that Bess wouldn't choose the Highwayman instead of him

What happens in each verse of the highwayman poem?

In the 1st 2 verses the highwayman is very posh and going to the inn. 3rd verse He is in love with Bess and he is standing below the window 4 Tim the guy who looks after wine is listening and he loves Bess too and he knows Bess loves the highwayman so hes planning revenge which is on a different verse.And Tim is really ugly 5 He is flirting with Bess. He says he'll be back no matter what happens and he'll bring back gold. He steals gold because that's his job, he's a highwayman. 6 He just about touches her hand. He undoes her hair and kisses it. he then goes. 7 and 8 and 9(here comes revenge) soldiers came and drank wine, which Tim gave them. the landlord didnt know about anything. they tied bess up because they knew she loved the highwayman. The soldiers were going to shoot the highwayman ad bess couldn't save him. 10 and 11 Bess reaches and struggles for the gun to save the highwayman.When she heard his horse coming the only thing she could do is kill herself. The sound of the gun would be a warning to the highwayman. So she dies. 12 and 13 The highwayman gets the message and rund away other verses he finds out bess is dead at dawn and gets killed som say they are ghosts