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Q: Where was the cargo held on the Titanic?
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Related questions

What did the holder on the Titanic do?

keep track of the mail & other cargo aboard Titanic

When was the Titanic festival held?

There was no Titanic festival

Were there any cars on the Titanic?

yes 1 in the cargo area but it sank with the titanic and it was never found

How much cargo can the titanic carry?

Yeah, the titanic could carry about 30000000 dildos

What did isidor tri to do when the Titanic was sinking?

he held her until the titanic had sunk then they both died

What kind of cars were in the Titanic's cargo?

It starts with a "r" and the third to last letter is a "m"

How did you constructed the Titanic?

The RMS titanic was made in around 1970 and They used strong wooden Legs to give the titanic its shape and it held it up

Were there any treasure on the Titanic?

While the material cargo on board the Titanic was undoubtedly valuable, there was not real treasure on board. The most valuable cargo in material terms would be a jeweled copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, a series of Persian poems. Otherwise, the most valuable cargo on board were the human lives that sank with the ship.

What was the qualifications for second class on the Titanic?

The ticket you held

How much coal does the Titanic hold?

The Titanic held over 8,000 tons of coal within her bunkers.

How many rooms including house held items were on the ship of titanic?

the total amount of rooms in the titanic is 64

How many cabins did the Titanic hold?

It held 840 cabins.