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In Distant Waves the Titanic was heading for America from England and France and many other countries

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Q: Where was the titanic headed in the book Distant Waves?
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In Distant Waves did Ninette die on the Titanic?

In the book Distant Waves Ninette did not die.

How many pages are there in the book Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn?

There are Three hundred and thirty pages in the book distant waves

Who were the characters in Distant Waves?

"Distant Waves" is a book by Suzanne Weyn that follows the story of Jane and her sisters aboard the Titanic. The main characters include Jane, Mimi, Kate, Emma, and Will, as they navigate the events leading up to the ship's ill-fated voyage and its aftermath.

What is the theme of the book distant waves?

The theme of "Distant Waves" by Suzanne Weyn revolves around historical events like the Titanic sinking and spiritualism. It explores the ideas of science, family, survival, and the impact of tragic events on individuals.

What novel is good to read?

I would personally recommend Distant Waves a Novel of the Titanic. It is a phenomenal romance novel about a family that moves to Spirit Vale. I won't tell you the rest, but it will be the best book you have ever read

Will there be a book after distant waves?

maybe....suzanne weyn is talking to her publisher(scholastic)

What is the best novel you have ever read?

Distant Waves...BTW it is rarely in stores. You usually have to buy it online or where i got it ...which was at a book fair.

Who is author the titanic book?

Titanic the book is written by James Cameron.

In your opinion what is the greatest book that you've ever Read?

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Is there a book written about the orchestra on the Titanic?


What book predicted the disaster of titanic?

No book has precisely predicted the disaster of Titanic but the parallels in "Futility" by Morgan Robertson (1898) are astonishing.