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Some desert plants secrete a waxy coating to help slow or prevent water loss.

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Q: Where would waxes be found on a desert plant?
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Would a tall desert plant be vascular or non vascular?

A tall desert plant would be a vascular plant.

Suppose you found a tall plant living in the desert do you think it would be a vascular plant?

some desert plants are short but most of them are tall. the short ones are short because of the terrible sand storms and not much rain. and if your talking serious, I've seen a Cactus that is 42metres tall in the desert!!!

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a plant with a long root system that goes deep into the ground

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The most important features for a desert plant would be the ability to collect and store water and the ability to reduce water loss .

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Size reduction.

Can you put forest plant in desert?

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yes cause the desert is a dry land so they need more roots to get water to the plant -science teacher 101