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drew wealthy by trading with colonist(:

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Q: Wherever Europeans settled in the Americas Native Americans?
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Wherever the europeans settled in the Americas native Americas?

drew wealthy by trading with colonist(:

Who settled in the Americas and why?


When the first europeans settled in America who already lived there?

Native Americans have lived in the Americas for thousands of years before Europeans arrived.

Who settled in the Americas first africans or Europeans?

Europeans, after columbuses discovery. europeans then (in late 1600s) introduced the africans into the Americas as slaves

What did the Native Americans acquire and or give up when the europeans settled in the Americas and close to them?

gold and like important stuff which the Indians thought would help there friendship.

Why did European countries explore claim and settle the North American continent?

The period when Europeans explored, claimed, and settled the land in the Americas was the First Age of Imperialism. Imperialism is when nations establish empires for power and resources. So the Europeans imperialized the Americas for power and resources.

What main groups of Americans and immigrants settled the West?

Europeans, Germans, Scandinavian Lutherans, Irish, Italians, European Jews, Chinese, Mexicans and African Americans.

California was originally settled by who?

Native Americans were the first settlers in California. The population of Native Americans was large and was throughout the state. The Spanish were the first Europeans in California.

What main groups of Americans and immigrants settled west?

Europeans, Germans, Scandinavian Lutherans, Irish, Italians, European Jews, Chinese, Mexicans and African Americans.

Where did European settlers live?

They settled along the east coats of America, such as Virginia, Massachusetts, Georgia, Pennsylvania

Europeans attempts of creating dutch settlements in Americas?

The Dutch settled in what is now New York. They had hired John Hudson to explore for them and he discovered the Hudson River. They purchased Manhatten from the Indians and settled New Amsterdam.

Who settled the northeast?

The Europeans