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France and Britain

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Britain and france

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Q: Which 2 European countries controlled most of Africa South of the Sahara in 1914?
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Are the Bahanas Mexico Mauriari or the Western Sahara countrys?

Only The Bahamas and Mexico are countries. Mauriari is an Indian caste and the Western Sahara is a mostly Moroccan-controlled territory in northern Africa.

Which countries in the Middle East are located in the Sahara Desert?

The Sahara is located in Africa and not in the Middle East. There are no Middle East countries covered by the Sahara.

Which country dose Sahara lie in?

The Sahara desert lies in several countries in Africa.

What Poor Colony is in Africa?

There are no colonies left in Africa. The closest thing is West Sahara, which is partially controlled by Morocco.

What countries of this region are located in the Sahel?

The Sahara Dessert is located in the more southern part of Africa

What separates North Africa from south Africa?

Mainly the Sahara desert and other countries.

In which state is the Sahara Desert?

The Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa, including several countries. It is not found in the United States.

Who was the french explorer of Africa the first European to cross the Sahara Desert?

Rene Caillie

Who was French explorer of Africa the first European to cross the Sahara desert?

Rene Caillie

Does Africa have colonies?

It is debated. The last European possession in Africa became independent in 1980 (Zimbabwe). However, some African nations held non-self-governing territories after the last European colonies became independent. The only remaining territory considered by some to be a "colony" is West Sahara, which is controlled by Morocco.

Is the Sahara Desert in Kenya?

No, the Sahara Desert is not in Kenya. The Sahara Desert is located in North Africa, spanning across several countries including Algeria, Egypt, Libya, and Morocco. Kenya is located in East Africa.

How many countries are in Africa including the disputed territory of Western Sahara and all island countries?