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Sally Brown is actually Linus van Pelt's girlfriend. -- Charlie Brown's sister...

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Q: Which Peanut character is Linus' girlfriend?
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When was linus introduced into the comic strip peanut?

Linus van Pelt first appeared on September 19, 1952 .

What item is the peanuts character Linus usually holding?

Linus van Pelt carries a blanket .

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Which peanut character use to carry a blanket around?

Linus from the Peanuts gang is known for carrying around a security blanket wherever he goes. He finds comfort and reassurance in his blanket, which is a defining characteristic of his personality in the Peanuts comic strips.

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Linus van Pelt .

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Most likely Linus

What do you do after you help Snoopy with leaves in poptropica?

Go by the Peanut's Store. You will discover that Linus has lost his blanket. find it PS it is in the leave pile. rake 2 get it out then return it safly 2 linus.

What did Ben Linus achieve in his career?

Ben Linus is a fictional character from the television show "Lost" who was portrayed by actor Michael Emerson. The character was originally a villain, but as the show progressed he seemed to not be as bad.

What cartoon character names that start with L?

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