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Aerospace Engineering would seem to be the most obvioius answer.

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Q: Which engineering course required to become astronaut?
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to become an astronaut, you nned to study astrophysics, take aeronautical engineering and should have encyclopaedic knowledge

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Of course, anyone can become an SEO. With the correct education and training in business.

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well to become a doctor you should look at the mechanic engineering tafe course

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The courses required to earn a degree in mechanical engineering vary from one institution to the next. Research into this field should be done for the educational institutions the student is interested in attending to find out the specific course requirements.

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Mechanical engineering is a completely different discipline to electronic or communication engineering. Though some aspects of mechanical engineering will be required in both at some time they will be tailored to fit the course you are taking.

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cut off should be above 120 this is only approximate value

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When you go to Univ. to become an engineer the Univ. will have many engineering courses you will be required to take. The exact courses will depend on what kind of engineer you are studying to be. In addition to these engineering courses you will also take math, physics, chemistry and probably economics. Then of course there are courses that everyone in the Univ. must take, like english, history etc.

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Bachelor of Technology [B. Tech] (Software Engineering) - Latest Notifications. BTech Software Engineering is a 4 year undergraduate engineering degree course. This course prepares the students to become Software Engineers.