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The American pioneers migrated west in the late 1800s. They intended to settle new territories that had not already been developed by Europeans or Americans.

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Q: Which groups of people moved onto the Plains in the late 1800s and why did they come?
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Which groups of people moved onto the plains in the late 1800?


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people from Scotland, Ireland and england

Who were the sodbusters and how did they get their name?

Sodbusters are farmers who moved onto the Great Plains in the late 1800s, and are named for ploughing and working on the hard ground of the plains in order to plant their harvests.

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In the 1800s many people in the North moved to?

farms to cities

What was like for people who moved west to homestead on the western frontier in the 1800s?

It was miserable.

When As people moved west which of these became the big business on the plains?

cattle ranching

As people moved west which of these became the big business on the plains?

cattle ranching. :<

What is the population of Great Plains?

The Population Is 20,336,243 Plus All the years people have moved away and moved to the Great Plains. So the population is not specific of right now. Only scientists may know.

Why were Native Americans moved to reservations on the great plains in the early 1800s?

Native American's were NOT moved onto reservations in the great plains in the early 1800's, it was the late 1800's. They were moved there for the same reasons they were always pushed into these areas; the US Government and its people wanted their land and its natural resources.

What did the Great Plains people live in?

They moved around to different camps so they used a teepee.