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Q: Which is MOST closely associated with American women gaining more economic opportunity and mobility in the mid- to late-1800s?
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They were the three goals that most African American politicians shared.

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The opportunity to control ones own economic decisions is a free enterprise.

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Arguably capitalism

What is the definition of Economic Opportunity?

Economic opportunity is a United States Public Law. This law was made to formationlocal Community Action Agencies as part of the War.

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It was both...and 2 other things, some looked for ADVENTURE, and because off FORCED MIGRATION.

What does 'economic opportunity' mean?

Jobs and services

What are royalties in economic s?

they are the seperation of the opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is?

Opportunity cost is the highest-valued alternative foregone in order to take an economic action.

What French economist is most associated with the mercantile economic system?

The French economist most associated with the mercantile economic system was Colbert.

What reason opportunity cost arise?

As economic goods are limited, one has to make choices to satisfy his needs. Thus, due to limited economic goods, opportunity costs rise.