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It is schist.

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Q: Which low-grade metamorphic rock comosed of extremely fine sized mica and other mineral grains typically exhibits well -developed rock cleavage?
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If a metamorphic rock has grains arranged in parallel layers or bands what is the rock probably displaying?

Generically it is displaying a metamorphic fabric, specifically a schistosity. If the fabric is well developed it could also be displaying planes of cleavage.

What is the clevage of halite?

Cleavage is a property of minerals. Sandstone is a rock type. As such it doesn't have the property of cleavage.Cleavage is a metamorphic fabric. Sandstone is not a metamorphic rock and thus can not display a cleavage.

Does quartz have three prominent cleavage directions developed at right angles to one another so that it breaks into cubes?

No, quartz has no cleavage.

What is the importance of cleavage in embryonic development?

Cleavage produces the number of cells needed for the future organisation of the embryo, shifts and compartmentalises the egg material and balances out the nuclear and cytoplasmic material. Development is initiated by cleavage.

Animal cells typically achieve cytokinesis by?

forming a cleavage furrow that pinches the cell into two

One way to test a mineral is to break it and see how many directions of what it has?


What is the cleavage of onyx?

Onyx like agates is a crypto-crystalline mineral and so it doesn't have any cleavages developed.

What is a non-foliated contact metamorphic rock called?

A non-foliated contact metamorphic rock is called a hornfels. Hornfels is called so because of its exceptional toughness and texture both reminiscent of animal horns.

What happens to a fossil in a metamorphic rock?

Not normally. Metamorphism destroys the characteristics of the original rock, including bedding, cleavage, texture and fossils. In extremely low grade metamorphic rocks, however, fossils may still be present, however these fossils will be deformed.

What is cleavage of cleavage?

Galena's cleavage is cubic.

What is sulfurs cleavage cleavage?

Sulfur's cleavage is imperfect.

What is silvers cleavage?

Silvers Cleavage Is Silver Doesn't Split .