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Q: Which path must a rock take once it is in the rock cycle?
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Why don't rock fragments follow the same path in the rock cycle?

the rock would be molted down if they were all the same

What must any rock in the rock cycle do to become a sedimentary rock?

It must erode into sediment and then be compressed to form sedimentary rock.

What stages of the rock cycle are apparent in the landscape of Death Valley?

In Death Valley, stages of the rock cycle that are apparent are stages in which the rock is a rock. once it becomes sand, it is part of the sandusky cycle.

What must happen for any rock in the rock cycle to form sedimentery rock?


In the rock cycle the process by which an igneous rock changes to a sedimentary rock must begin with?


What must rocks go through to get where they are?

They have to go though the rock cycle depending on the type of rock.

Can a rock go through the rock cycle more than once?

All cycles go forever.

Why must igneous come before sedimentary in the rock cycle?

For most purposes there is no "beginning" to the rock cycle. Any rock can be weathered away and remade into sedimentary rock. Igneous rocks are sometimes depicted as the start of the rock cycle because the first rocks on Earth were igneous.

Why do rocks not all follow the same path thought of as the rock cycle?

Because there are different types of paths and rocks.

Why do rocks not all follow the same path through the rock cycle?

because..... idk that's why i asked you

What part do volcanooes play in the rock cycle?

Volcanoes melt the rock and eventually erupt. Once it erupted the rock starts to setal and cool into a certain type of rock

What two processes labeled in the rock cycle must occur in order to change any rock into an igneous rocks?

Heat and pressure.