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Nelson Mandela is the former South African president who started dismantling the Apartheid system.

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Q: Which south African president started the dismantling of the apartheid system?
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Who started apartheid in South Africa?

Sessel John Rhodes started apartheid

How was apartheid started?

it was started by whites

Was apartheid started in South Africa?

Yes, apartheid was started by the 1948 Nationalist (read Nazi ) government.

What caused the apartheid in south Africa?

The South African National Party caused and started apartheid.

What do the Afrikaners have to do with the apartheid?

The Afrikaners were the people who had moved to Africa. they were the white people who had started the Apartheid.

Why did they start apartheid?

Apartheid was started because the whites in south Africa did not want the blacks around

How did the Jews in South Africa challenge apartheid?

The richest South African family is Jewish (Oppenheimers) and they've been the wealthiest since at least before apartheid started. They did not do much to fight apartheid, they just rode the political wave and positioned themselves so that they'd still be making money which ever way the tides went.

When did Aparthied start?

The Apartheid started on 31st May 1910. The term 'Apartheid' only came around in 1948.

What happened in 1990 that changed south african dramatically?

In 1990 the National Party government took the first step towards dismantling discrimination when it lifted the ban on the African National Congress and other political organizations. It released Nelson Mandela from prison after twenty-seven years' incarceration on a sabotage sentence. A negotiation process known as the Convention for a Democratic South Africa was started. The government repealed apartheid legislation. South Africa destroyed its nuclear arsenal and acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Who implemented the system of apartheid?

The Nationalist party under Hendrick Vervoed implimented the policy of "Apartheid"

Where did Mahatma Gandhi started his struggle against apartheid?


How did Barack Obama make a difference?

he was the first African American president & he fixed what bush started which was the recession