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Q: Which volcanic rock has the highest level of silicon dioxide rhyolite or basalt?
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Related questions

What does rhyolite look like?

Rhyolite is a volcanic rock, with a great percentage of silicon dioxide; the aspect is different, depending on the composition.

Does rhyolite have silicon in it?

Yes. Almost all rocks contain silicon.

Is silicon dioxide a atom?

No, silicon dioxide is a molecule.

What kind of atoms is sand made up of?

Depends on the rocks which formed sand: silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate, volcanic minerals.

Is silicon dioxide a compound or a mixture?

Silicon dioxide is a compound.

What are the elements found in sand?

Silicon and oxygen, in this form. SiO2 Silicon dioxide.

Which one is mixture carbon dioxide silicon silicon dioxide or sand?

Which one is mixture carbon dioxide = compound silicon = element silicon dioxide = compound or sand = mixture so sand is the answer.

Where does Silicion come from?

Silicon is generally found in quartz (silicon dioxide) and rarely as a singular element (pure silicon crystals can rarely be found with gold/volcanic exhalations). It can also be found in silicate formations like granite, sandstone, and sand.

Is Silicon dioxide Atom Element Compound Mixture?

Silicon dioxide is a compound of the elements silicon and oxygen. Its chemical formula is SiO2. Impure Silicon dioxide is very common ; it is the sand on a beach.

Which mineral is composed of silicon dioxide?

Quartz is composed of silicon dioxide.

What is the chemical formula in silicon dioxide?

the formula for silicon dioxide is SIO2

Examples of silicon dioxide?

one type of silicon dioxide is glass.