the leader of the akatski is Tobi Tobi, is the name used by the leader of akatsuki but his real name is Uchiha Madara.
OrinKage is an item on "" no important meaning, it educes naruto things as the headband, frog, akatski outfit. It could be Japanese for akatski or hokage but I'm not entirely sure.
No.Tobi is; he is also known as Madara Uchiha. Not sure on my spelling but my info is correct.
sasuke never kills his brother he used his new jutsu telling itachi that you cant dodge it and some where another akatski member is wacthing unseen so sasuke dose his new jutsu thinking that itachi is dead but itachi says is that all and sasuke and the other unseen akatski memeber are shocked that he's still alive. sasuke never kills his brother he used his new jutsu telling itachi that you cant dodge it and some where another akatski member is wacthing unseen so sasuke dose his new jutsu thinking that itachi is dead but itachi says is that all and sasuke and the other unseen akatski memeber are shocked that he's still alive.
Know one really knows why Obito (tobi) joined Akatsuki since manga chapter 599 came out and tobi is obito... there is no explanation until the next manga... so it might show why he was in akatsuki in the next manga...
no hes the main chacrecter
no the akatski took it from him
orochimaru ,kabuto, akatski ,and itachi
Yes. He's the leader.
the leader of the akatski is Tobi Tobi, is the name used by the leader of akatsuki but his real name is Uchiha Madara.
No she doesn't
OrinKage is an item on "" no important meaning, it educes naruto things as the headband, frog, akatski outfit. It could be Japanese for akatski or hokage but I'm not entirely sure.
Minato Didnt... Join the Akatsuki....
the akatski organization and orchimaru and sasuke