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Q: Who does Hamlet call a breeder of sinners?
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What is the nonery scene in hamlet?

I believe you are referring to the "Get thee to a nunnery!" Scene in Hamlet where he tells Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than, "be a breeder of sinners," but it is also a play on words because a nunnery was a nickname for a brothel; so he was calling her a prostitute.

Get thee to a why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?


Why is act 3 scene 1 called the nunnery scene in hamlet?

Because Hamlet says to Ophelia "Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?" It's just a convenient term to identify the scene because it's such a memorable and striking line. It could just as easily be called the "To be or not to be" scene but that's more of a mouthful.

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Why do Jews call gentiles sinners?

Gentiles who sin are sinners, just as are Jews who sin. Gentiles are not considered to be sinners if they violate a prohibition only incumbent upon Jews, such as cutting themselves in mourning for a dead relative (as opposed to for idolatry).

Who did Jesus say to his critics He had come to call?

Luke 5:32 - "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." [NKJV] See also Matt. 9:13 and Mark 2:17.

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What is jesus' mission in life?

To call sinners to repentance and save them from eternal damnation in hell.I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." [Luke 5:32]

How do you insult a boy?

Call him gay. Unless he is actually gay: in that case, call him a breeder.

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sinners call it drop out Christians and the lord call it saved!

Why does Hamlet call Rosencrantz a sponge?

because he is dum

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A corrupt uncle could be described as deceitful, dishonest, or untrustworthy.