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Harry Potter lives with the Dursley family; they are his aunt and uncle and cousin Dudley.

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Simple - Read the books ahahahhaha

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Q: Who does Harry Potter have to live with after his parents get killed?
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Is godrics hollow where Harry Potter's parents live?

yes and that is were they were killed also.

Did harry and his family lives in Manchester?

No. Harry Potter's parents were killed by Voldemort leaving Harry to live with Lily Potter (Harrys mum) sister and her husband and son. They live at 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging , Surrey.

Where did Harry Potter live with his parents when he was a baby?

Godric's Hollow.

What happened the night that Voldemort killed the Potters?

They died for Harry for love they knew that this would happend so he killed James Potter first. And Lily begged for Harry's Life so, when she died Harry was under his mother's charm and when Voldemort tryed to kill Harry Potter and killed him instead of Harry Potter. So, and Hagrid picked him up and stop and saw Sirius Black. And when brought him tho the Dursleys. LONG LIVE HARRY POTTER! Watch Harrison Potter and the Phiospher's Stone 1/5 on Youtube!

In Harry Potter where does Hermione go to live with in Christmas break?

She usually stays with Harry and Ron. But she went with her parents in the first book.

Why did Harry Potter live with his aunt and uncle?

He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents had been killed and they were his only remaining family. As hsi aunt was his mother's sister it enforced some old magic which helped protect Harry.

What happened to Harry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

He gets Killed. But then Because it's only Voldemort's soul inside him that got killed he can chose to go to Heaven or Live on... He Lives on.

Did Harry Potter die to see Albus Dumbledore?

It was a "near death" experience as Voldemort killed his horcrux in Harry. As Dumbledore told harry he could if he wished "move on". Harry chose to live.

Where did one year old harry live before going to private drive?

Harry lived in Godric's Hollow with his parents, James and Lilly Potter.

What state did Harry Potter live in?

The Harry Potter books are set in England, not in the USA.

In Harry Potter and the deathly hollows do Harry Potters parents come alive again?

The parents are not alive again. Harry uses to the resurrection stone to bring back his parents in a ghost-like form. They are separate from him 'by a veil' and cannot live life on earth.

How old was Harry Potter when his parents were murdered?

he was 15 months old when his parents died and then he was sent to live with the his uncle and aunty. and he only got told how his parents died when he was 11